Well, I always end up returning to my roots, sooner or later...where else??? The Big Apple, of course...well maybe not exactly the city of New York, but close enough to it. This time rolling solo to visit and capture some exciting moments in the brand new lives of some very sweet little miracle babies who are dear to my heart. First, a stop at my brother and his wifey's house and of course we cannot forget their 3 babies...Roxanne, Jose and Mugsy. Why I never photographed them before, considering I normally have the camera glued to my face everywhere I go, is beyond me. Anyway, here are some snaps I got while waiting for old friends to arrive, not to mention one of my first cracks at storyboards (collage of images)...
And on to the next stop...one of my closest friends from NY, Sandy and her husband Pete, as well as their oldest son, Nico. She has put up with me through the ups and downs of life since 1990-ish...gosh I didn't realize its been 20 years?? I need to double check that...seems like yesterday. Anyway, after being on bedrest since week 20 and having a big health scare in their newest addition, Baby Thomas Jack's first days of life, I was finally able to meet this amazing little miracle and of course take some photos of the beginning of many happy memories to come...

My last stop on the whirlwind tour of Spring 2010, my awesome cousin, Rob (who, along with the rest of us cousins, has crashed many times into the pole of our Grandparent's basement growing up, while playing hide 'n go seek in the dark...hmmmm...not sure who's brilliant idea that was...) and his amazing and beautiful wife, Linda, as well as their kiddies, Alex and Paige, and their newest lil' sweet pea, Danielle Mackenzie. Much to their surprise, just 4 months after Lin was diagnosed with cancer (and ultimately overcame the evil disease), they were told they were going to be blessed with another child. Another one of God's awesome miracles...here she is at the ripe age of 11 days old, and her older sister who adores her.